Friday, June 15, 2012

What's going on

Every so often I get motivated to cook something new, so a few days ago I tried my hand at hush puppies.  Apparently they were tasty, because Nick ate every last one.  Then yesterday I made Italian sausage soup, and the best part was the from scratch gnocci.  How fabulous is that?  I have never made them before, but they turned out perfect.  I was so proud of myself.  I have been thinking about trying this recipe I found for cream cheese brownies, but after a day with the monster, I am lacking motivation.

Tristan has great days, and horrible days.  He's not an in between kind of kid.  Either he is an perfect little darling, or a little demon.  Today I made him mac'n'cheese.  But he refused to eat it because I put some bits of hot dog in it.  Then because he was so mad about that, he wouldn't eat apple sause or drink his bottle.  I get so frustrated trying to feed him because he is just so rotten about it.  He smacks your hand, or throws his face into the spoon, or spits it back at you.  I mean, what the heck?  Don't babies like to eat?  It's like Tristan would rather starve!  And what kid doesn't like hot dogs and cheese, I mean, come on, get real!

Ah well, at least he loves bread.  He will eat slice after slice and be perfectly content.  And he likes juice, so at least he's getting some calories in, right?  He's still not walking, too scared.  But he's a maniac crawler.  He's getting into everything still, so we have to barricade him away from all the breakables, which offends him terribly.  Then the dishwasher repairman asked when we were giving him a brother, and I thought to myself, yeah right buddy!  You think I want to torment myself with Tristan number 2?  Talk to me in 10 years!

I need some chocolate.  

Not brave enough to step away

I want to play!

Here, let me help you

And I'm the cutest hehe

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