Monday, June 11, 2012


Tristan, I don't know if this is possible, seems to be getting more intelligent and more unintelligent at the same time.  Why is it that baies just don't learn from their mistakes?  Today....he's walking around our computer desk, it's his favorite thing to do.  But he gets distracted, loses his balance, and falls face first right into the side.  He'll scream, and cry and be completely inconsolable until he gets up and walks right back over to it and does it again.  He has balance problems because his neck has been tilting again since the botox wore off, and we think that might also be starting to affect his vision.  Back to Primary's for more botox in September!

People are going to think I beat my child because he has bruises all over his forehead!  I try to keep him as protected as possible, but he's just getting too smart for my protective measures.  He can open doors now, crawl under the bed, get into cupboards, push the chairs around the kitchen, turn on the burners, play patty fingers in the trash can.....blah!  And yesterday he took all of my books off the shelf and tried ripping the pages out of the Hunger Games and Tennis Shoes......

Today, I gave him a play bath.  He had a real bath yesterday, but was so upset when I took him out, I promised he could play later.  So I filled the tub, gave him a bunch of toys and let him at it.  He happily giggled, and splashed, and crawled around making a huge wet mess everywhere.  Then, when I was ready to get him out, so he didn't smell like yucky bath water, I started washing him up. Then when I went to rinse him off, he flipped out, threw himself backward and slipped face first into the water.  Of course, he sucked it in.  Which made me panic, and I pulled him out, sopping wet and had to hang him upside down and smack all the water out of his nose and mouth.  And wouldn't you know it, I tried to towel him off because I figured he wouldn't want anywhere near the bath, and he tried climbing right back in!  So there I am, dripping, and Tristan whining to get back in the tub.  Of course I put him back in and let him play for another 15 minutes before taking him out.

Babies are just too clever for their own good, and it seems like no matter what I do, Tristan is mutilating himself in one way or another.  I found him with one of his toy blocks the other day, poking himself repeatedly in the eye with the pointed end.  He also likes to scoot up next to the wall and bang the back of his head against it as hard as he can.  I mean, what the heck???  And he loves to eat "treats" off the floor.

Well, one cute thing he has started doing is this little head shaking bouncy dance.  Whenever he hears music, even if it is a ringtone, he'll start dancing.  And he will join in clapping if he ever hears cheering or applause.  He knows how to point to things, and if he wants help with something, he hands it to you.  Or he'll hold out his hand to you if he wants help.  He also loves to hit, especially in the face.  You'll be sitting there hunky dory, and along comes Tristan, and SMACK!  You've just got Tristan-pounded in the nose.  Yeah, that one isn't our favorite, and we have no idea how to get him to stop, because he just laughs and thinks it's funny!

Oh this is funny as well.  We went to a BBQ the other day, and let Tristan down onto the grass.  He started to put his hands down to crawl, felt the grass, and flipped out.  He started screaming, turning in every direction to feel around, but every time he touched the grass he would scream and cry.  It was tooo funny.  We also had to jog home pushing the stroller backwards the other day because he was scared of the wind.  He screamed and screamed and screamed until we turned him around and pushed him by the cup holder tray thing.....for about a mile and a half.......

Any helpful hints or suggestions on how to deal with a crazy baby??

Looking studly in his new jogging stroller

I'm not trying to push down the barricade mommy....

I don't like the grass!

But I love this push-car!

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