Sunday, June 3, 2012

Teething Fairy

When the teething fairy comes, there is no telling how often she will visit or how long she will stay.  She seems to have been a perpetual house guest of ours for the last six months.  Growing our poor baby's teeth out of sequence.  He had 3 teeth on the left side of his mouth before he started growing on the right side.....weird huh?  His second top tooth just poked through yesterday, and he was not happy about it.  Teething babies don't sleep, they don't eat, and in Tristan's case.....they get mean.  He crawls up to us with plastic toy in hand and just pummels us in the face!  Real sweet, right?

But, he can't really tell us what's going on, so I guess violence is the next best answer.  On the bright side, he self bottle feeds sometimes, and at his cousin's baptism yesterday, he stole a lamb stuffie from Aunt Becky....the little stinker!  She probably didn't want it back after he started sucking on it and drooling left over squash on it anyhow... haha.  And he's gotten super picky about his face.  He will get crud all over it when he's eating, but not let me clean it off.  He will scream bloody murder if I get the cloth anywhere near his face.  Guess bath time is going to become a daily ritual for this one.  He's got blackened feet from crawling everywhere.  What does that say about my carpets???  Time for a deep scrub!

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