Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My puppy

I am a cat person.  Not ashamed to admit it.  I loooooooove kitties, and I've had one ever since I was a little baby.  When I found out my childhood cat Sabrina had passed, I immediately got Suki.  Cats have just always been a source of comfort and companionship my whole life.

So why do I have a puppy?

Haha, my husband loves dogs.  He thinks they are better than cats in every way.  I will agree they are a lot more loyal, but I guess that can also just be they are dumb.  And he hates litter boxes.  I don't fault him there.  Scooping poop was never my favorite thing.  And having a poo box in the house never smelled very good.  But kitty cuddliness always made up for their kitty smell.  At least in my book.

So I am very surprised that I have fallen so much in love with my little Korra.  I have always despised dogs!  I mean, they are lovely from a distance, and some are very attractive to look at.  But over all, I thought they were big, dumb, barking, biting nuisances.  Quite the contrary, at least in Korra's case.

She is sweet as can be!  And she adores me; she get's so excited when I tell her she is a good girl.  If I pat my leg, she comes running and lulls over on my lap to be pet.  She follows me everywhere like a little shadow, it's so fun.  And the best part, Tristan is her bud.  She get's very excited to play with him, and he gobbles it up.  I'm a little concerned because he thinks it is funny when she nips his hands, and he will intentionally stick his fingers in her mouth for her to nibble on.  But other than that, the two of them get on so well, and it's fun to watch them play.  Especially out in the yard, Korra treats him like any other puppy, and sometimes gets a little too crazy and knocks him over.  Which is fine, because he thinks it's great, especially when she tackles him and gives him sloppy wet puppy kisses.

As she gets older, she's going to calm down a ton, and be a lot more snuggly.  For now, everything is fun and games in her mind.  Potty training is going sooooo much better (thanks to everyone for the links and great advice).  She hasn't had an accident on the carpet in almost two weeks.  Her crate is another story.  She's had a few accidents in there, mostly because sometimes she doesn't warn us quick enough and wets the crate just as we are about to get her out.  No poo mess though, thank goodness!  Command training, haha, still working on that.  She knows her name, understands no, and comes when we call her.  I've almost got her to where she will sit on command, but like I said, puppies are all about fun, so she is easily distracted.

Over all though, she is an absolute doll!  And I love that she is getting bigger, and fluffier.  She is going to be a giant poof ball before we know it!  I'm taking her to get microchipped next week because I'm afraid with her growing cuteness, she might get dognapped!  Haha, just kidding (but seriously though!).

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