Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Growing up

Looking through facebook is always fun, seeing what other people are up to.  A very impersonal way to stay connected to people.  Weird, don't you think?

Funny how our society has become so dependent on technology, we've strayed even further from actual human interaction.  I myself would rather text than call someone, far less commitment involved, and not quite as awkward when you are ready to end a conversation.  Emails and facebook status changes are much easier ways to announce things, but again, not as personal.

So I'm looking through my news feed, reading up on what all my friends are up to, and I see some of them being silly over something I might have been silly over a few years ago.  Then I realized, I'm old. Well, more like I seem older.  When I think about it, I guess I could be in a different classification now than a lot of my single friends.  Things like movie premires don't get me going anymore, I don't get all googlie eyed over the latest teen hottie sensation, I'm not trendy "fashionable; I'm more concerned about nap time than social time.  Still, I miss all the excitement I felt waiting in line at midnight, wand in hand, ready to see the latest Harry Potter installment.

Plucking my eye brows yesterday, looking at myself in the mirror, I realized that I am 25 years old.  Thinking of my unmarried friends, in some ways I am jealous.  They have had a lot of opportunities that I haven't.  They've been able to stay young and be free a lot longer than me.  I don't even remember what it's like to be on my own, doing whatever the heck I wanted.  Free to pursue any passion I have.

And yet, I've had the opportunity to do things that they haven't.  I have a family, a husband and a son.  I've been to the temple.  Nick and I have gone on our own adventures, and we have new ones every day.  Every day with Tristan is like living childhood all over again, while still having to be the adult.  I've had a very good job, that I loved and was sad to leave.  I've had a zillion different pets.  I've gotten to be a part of my husband's family, all of whom have welcomed me in as one of their own.

I guess what I'm saying is, as you get older (mature I guess would be a better way to put it), different things start becoming more important.  The focus moves away from yourself, and onto others, things that are more meaningful.  Its sad, realizing I'm not a kid anymore, but it's ok.  There are more things in my life now that bring me joy than I ever got from silly movies, teen crushes or whatever all else I was obsessed with back then.  I'll just keep watching Glee, that will keep me young, haha.  All I have to say about that is man, I'm glad I grew up in Alaska.

Isn't it funny?  Glee is like Kids Bop for adults, I love it.

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