Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bad Salad'tude

I finally heard back from Dole.....after three months.  They sent me a letter in the mail saying I hadn't won anything, and added a couple coupons for free bags of Salad.  Evidently they didn't read my submission or they would have realized free salad means nothing to me.

Anyhoo, I also got an email from the project director saying I hadn't secured many votes.  Meh, I don't know what I was expecting.  Makes me a little sad that I didn't have as many people voting for me as I thought would, but like I said, I don't know why I expected too much.  I mean come on, I only have like 12 people actually reading my blog.  Probably why I don't feel too badly writing this.

So, so much for my free  trip, it was not meant to be.  At least we'll be moving away form here soon, I'm excited for that.  It's time to move on with my life, meet new people, have new experiences, get out and enjoy life a bit more.

Man, that was a let down.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spring Couldn't Come Soon Enough

Well, Summer in my case, but at least by spring Nick will be done with classes and mainly focusing on finishing his Masters.  Me, I just can't wait to be done being pregnant.  Just three and a half more months *fingers crossed*

Nick got home from his trip to Iowa late Sunday night, having spent five days out there meeting and interviewing with different university faculty about the potential of attending there for his PhD.  From what I gather, it went very well, and Nick is pretty sure we will be headed there sometime end of July, early August.    Minus the fact it would be a 16+ hour car tip with a two year old, a two month old and a dog......I'm super stoked to  be getting out of Utah!  We just have to wait a week or two to hear back about acceptance and funding, but Nick's pretty confident.

He brought Tristan back a little cardinal mascot stuffie, about the same size as Monkey, but Tristan wants nothing to do with it.  No matter how many things we have tried to replace that stupid monkey with, Tristan always refuses them.  Nick said it was just because it wasn't coated in spit and snot yet, just give it a little bit.    And he brought me back a snuggly school blanket because I love to wander the house wrapped up in blankets.  But honestly, I'm just glad to have him home, even though he is busier than ever now.  It was murder having to take care of everything alone without the prospect of seeing him every night.  Then he went and informed me he might go on a month long research trip sometime in the future.  I about died.

And that's what's new for us

Friday, February 15, 2013


Today I had my appointment at Maternal Fetal Medicine.

Good news, the baby turned.  Hopeful news, maybe he'll say that way.  Bad news, that means I get feet in my ribs.

Other news.  Based on Tristan's history, and my low fluid late in pregnancy, the perinatologist thinks it was probably more of a placental defect in fluid regulation rather than a problem with me that caused Tristan to be breech.  She's not too concerned that it will happen again, genetic problems like that have a less than 1% reoccurance, but still wants to take proper precautions just in case, and wants to see me a few more times.  If my fluid gets low with this baby, she'd want to deliver him early to prevent something like torticollis.  He's measuring a few days early, so maybe I'll get to go early anyways.  And with him being vertex, all I gotta do is a few tricks on the trampoline.......hehehe.

All in all, it was a productive appointment.  And I'm glad I went.  You can't be too careful when it comes to your kids.

So we'll keep you updated.

Sucking on his fist

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Little guy

Ok, I always feel guilty after rambling on about Tristan being bad.  Then he goes and is really sweet.  He was a little angel tonight right before I put him to bed.  So it's moments like that that remind me of how much I love being a mom.

Whit's End

Alright all you parents out there, time for your parently advice.

Tristan is a demon.  Especially in public.  He has started throwing tantrums and not listening.  At all.  We will go into a store and if I keep holding his hand, he will shriek and throw himself down, refuse to stand or walk, and scream while I try and pick him up.  So there I look like a child beater, trying to hold whatever I am about to purchase, the diaper bag, and Tristan's limp screaming body.

Today we hadn't even made it into the store.  I pulled him out of his carseat and he reached for my sunglasses.  I told him no, he couldn't bring those in and tried to get him to walk with me to the door.  Instead, he threw himself onto the pavement, in the middle of the parking lot! and screamed at me.  Then of course he tossed his binki while he was screaming, so I had to pick him up, run o catch the binki before it got run over, and carry him into the store screaming at the top of his lungs.

Getting him in and out of a shopping cart is getting a little hard because he is so big and I am getting more pregnant.  That is the reason I try to avoid it when Nick isn't around.  But trying to drag him by one hand while he is screaming and crying isn't all that great either, because I'm afraid I'm going to break his little wrist, and I look like a horrible person doing it.  So then I am forced to pick him up and carry him out.

HOLY FREAKIN CRAP!  What am I supposed to do?  When he does his at home, he does it a lot, I spank him and tell him no, and he gets to sit in his high chair or go straight to bed.  Usually it happens when I am trying to take him to the living room after getting him up in the morning or from a nap.  If I don't let him grab a piece of trash, or pull out a toy I've put away, he throws himself down and does the same thing.

Man, you have no idea, I Just wanted to kick him at t he store today while he was laying on the floor. So any helpful hints to quell the attitude and tantrums would be much appreciated!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


So as most of you know, Tristan has had neck problems since day one.  He has been in physical therapy since he was two weeks old.  He has had botox, x-ray, MRI, and a TOT collar.  Sadly, even with all of this, nearly two years, he is still tilting.  He can hold his head up, but when he zones out, is tired, grumpy, sick....he reverts back.  And some days he has very little control over it.  Which means bad balance, lots of falling over and lots of hitting his head.  That's not good.

I took him for his follow up with Dr. Gooch yesterday, the one who has done his botox injections.  Nick and I had been talking about it, wondering what the next option was, and I was pretty sure they wouldn't do botox a third time.  So what is the next step?


Well, if the surgeon says it will help.  Dr. Gooch said she has only ever had one other patient she has had to refer for a surgery to lengthen the problematic muscle, but it was a success.  His physical therapist said he would classify Tristan as in the top 5-10 percent of worst cases possible.  He himself had never seen anyone as bad before.  Not so great news for our poor little guy.

We got Tristan set up for a surgery consult in a month and a half up at Primary Children's.  I guess there are three surgery options they would try, some more invasive than others, but all generally have a pretty good outcome.  The problem is post op recovery and therapy.  Which means lots more physical stretching and exercises, a next brace for 3 months, and being in traction for the first 24-48 hours post surgery.

I mean, I know things could be worse.  Tristan could have been born with spinabifida or palsy or something. Lots of kids have it much worse.  But at the same time, I don't believe in belittling anyone's pain.  Sure, everyone has something different ailing them, but that doesn't mean we should make it any less than what they are feeling.  And my little guy has been through a lot in his two years, and I know it hasn't been fun for him.  At least though we are getting it taken care of when his is young, so hopefully it won't scar him too badly.

Waiting to see the doctore in the nice childproof lobby

Long day, he actually fell asleep on the way home from SLC

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Monkey Trouble

We have no idea where it came from.  We think in a package as a gag from Nick's mom.  The tag has been sucked to nothing so we don't even know what brand it is.  It is the monkey.

For whatever reason, Tristan fell in love with the little stuffed monkey, and it has been his buddy since he was about 6 months old.  He carries it everywhere, around the house, around the store, at church, and he will not sleep without it.  Which presents a huge problem before bed if we can't find the darn thing.

Today, Tristan and I went to Walmart to pick up a few things for Nick's trip.  You know, travel sized toiletries and such.  But I figured why not wander the store for fun?  Somewhere in the snack isle, Tristan started having a melt down.  Not a huge one, but just enough that he made a little scene.  I told him he was fine and would let him hold the next thing I grabbed off the shelf.  It was a box of hamburger helper, but it seemed to do the trick.

At checkout, I always hand Tristan my keys to hold.  It was then I noticed the monkey was missing.

Oh no.  Not before Nick leaves on a trip!  Don't do this to me!  Tristan will be an utter nightmare without that thing!

I paid for everything and immediately turned around to retrace my steps, going up and down every isle I had been in, looking under all the shelves.  Of course, muttering silently to myself how dumb Tristan was for tossing it out of the cart.

Luckily, in the baking isle, I found it.  It was sticking half out from under the shelf covered in dust and floor yuck.  I stuffed it in my pocket because I didn't want Tristan to hold it and lose it again.  Once home, I tried to put him down for a nap with his little elephant.  Of course that was a disaster, and he wouldn't stop crying until I handed him monkey (don't worry, I wiped it off).  No nap though was not a good thing.  We still had to go up to SLC for his Primary's appointment, and he was a terror the rest of the day.  Like horrible.  Like mommy had a meltdown horrible.  I'm just glad when I put him down to bed finally, monkey in hand, he made no objections and fell right to sleep.

Too bad tomorrow we have to get up at 4 AM and go to SLC again to take Nick to the airport.  Yeay.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Hot Wheels

Happy Tax Return to us!

While the majority of our lovely tax return is going to go to paying bills and helping us eventually move, we decided to get a little something for the one who made the majority of it possible.

We bought Tristan a little Hot Wheels race track and a few race cars.  He already has a little bucket full of cars because Nick and I can't resist adding to his collection every once in awhile, but he didn't really have anything to drive them on besides the kitchen floor.  And let's be honest, that's not extremely fun.  So, like I said, since Tristan is part of the reason we get such a nice tax return, we wanted to reward him for it.

And he loves it!  We showed him how to turn on the motor and push the cars through the spinner, and he just giggles his little butt off watching the cars go round and round.  His favorite car is this hideous purple creeper van that came in a set of utility cars we bought him awhile back, but it's too big and heavy to make it around the track.  So he always gets a little sad and goes "awhhhhh" when it falls off. But the rest of them seem to do just fine.

It's fun that he is growing up and learning how to use new things.  And it's a good thing he has a little brother coming because the two of them are going to have a blast playing.  Nick and I remember growing up and playing with race tracks.  I myself had a whole giant tupperware full of hot wheels cars, a car mat and 4 way race track.  It's a good thing I was raised between two brothers because playing with little boy toys is just as fun for me as Tristan and Nick.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What's next?

For the past five years, I have lived in Utah.  Never thought I would be here ever, let alone as long as I have been.  But, life doesn't always go like we think it will.  I always imagined myself married with kids, ever since I was a scronny beehive in young woman's, so that doesn't surprise me at all.  I guess I just always thought I would live in Alaska indefinitely.  And yes, I do miss my home.

So what's next for us?  Not sure.  Isn't life funny that way?  Right now, Nick has been applying to PhD programs in Colorado and Iowa, which are actually looking promising.  He will be interviewing with a professor in Iowa in a couple weeks.  We're just hoping one accepts him and we'll go where he is accepted. If both want him, then we'll have some hard thinking to do.  And if neither accept him, well, then it's time to start real life and get a job.  Most likely Virginia for that because there are a lot of opportunities for him out there and family to help out.  We just need to get out of Utah.  As great as it has been *sarcasm* we're ready for the next chapter in our lives.  Going is a little bitter sweet because my parents just moved down here to be close to everyone.  But hey, they will at least be much closer than they were in Alaska for visits!

And for me?  Well, my ambition is a little low right now.  I'm not expecting a whole lot from myself, and I'm not hankering to do much either.  Probably because I have a two year old and am pregnant.  So I've go other things on my mind occupying my time.  Maybe when then kids are older I'll start thinking about what I want to do in life again.  Until then, I've got my hobbies and my pets.  And lots of diapers.  Man, I need to potty train Tristan asap!  Ha, good luck, right?

Hair Again

I realized today that it has been a year since I chopped off my hair.  Well, it wasn't intentional....I told the gal to the shoulders and she thought that meant to the chin.  Not only that, she made it a-line, which accentuated my cheekies.  Thankfully I have a superb mother-in-law who was able to fix in when she came to visit last year.

It's only just now starting to look decent again.  It's about an inch or two past my shoulders finally, and I have vowed NEVER to cut it like that again.  In fact, I'm debating whether or not I will ever cut it again period.  Maybe I'll just be like Rapunzel, and braid it all intricately when it starts impeding my every day activities.

Anyhoo, super excited to have my hair back!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tummy Troubles

Ever since we got Korra, she has been a spunky ball of energy.  Always crazy, but still sweet as can be.  She has gotten better as she has gotten older, learning commands very well, and able to calm down when we tell her.  One thing that has been a problem though is her throwing up.  At least three times a week, she will throw up in her cage, always before we get up and take her for her morning walk.  We were concerned because she never ate her food very well either, I always said she was anorexic   We'd give her breakfast in the morning, and it would still be in her bowl by afternoon.

This past week, she threw up every day, and sometimes twice.  Getting a little tired of cleaning it up, we decided to consult a vet.  It's also nice we have a neighbor who went to vet tech school, and she recommended we change her food and try giving her more water because perhaps we was dehydrated.  We went and bought a automatic water dispenser for her cage the same day.  The vet also had some great advice.

He suggested she was probably producing a lot of stomach acid at night.  I guess that can be common with her breed?  He said we should try giving her a little something before bed, maybe just a few cheerios.  He also said to try 5 mg of Pepcid AC along with that and see how she does.

And what can I say?  I haven't woken up to doggy heaving in three days!  How fabulous is that?  And she is also eating her food finally.  We feel a little bad we had no idea that was what the problem was (fingers crossed!), but at least she is doing better now.  All the things you learn when you have a puppy for the first time.  Hopefully she won't have to be on the medicine for very long, just long enough for us to get her switched to a better food maybe.  I guess it does make a difference what you feed your pet.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Yeay for Tax Returns!

Isn't tax season just fabulous?

Especially when you can claim a dependent.  Children give you lots of money!  My brother in law does our taxes every year (he's so amazing!), and I remember the first year.  He hypothetically added dependents to our claim just to show us how much money we could get back with one....two......three....hahaha.

It helps being poor as well.  I guess the government feels bad about you being impoverished and is like, here, have it all back!

Anyhoo, we went and got our taxes done today!  And let me tell you, tax season is the bomb!