Thursday, February 14, 2013

Whit's End

Alright all you parents out there, time for your parently advice.

Tristan is a demon.  Especially in public.  He has started throwing tantrums and not listening.  At all.  We will go into a store and if I keep holding his hand, he will shriek and throw himself down, refuse to stand or walk, and scream while I try and pick him up.  So there I look like a child beater, trying to hold whatever I am about to purchase, the diaper bag, and Tristan's limp screaming body.

Today we hadn't even made it into the store.  I pulled him out of his carseat and he reached for my sunglasses.  I told him no, he couldn't bring those in and tried to get him to walk with me to the door.  Instead, he threw himself onto the pavement, in the middle of the parking lot! and screamed at me.  Then of course he tossed his binki while he was screaming, so I had to pick him up, run o catch the binki before it got run over, and carry him into the store screaming at the top of his lungs.

Getting him in and out of a shopping cart is getting a little hard because he is so big and I am getting more pregnant.  That is the reason I try to avoid it when Nick isn't around.  But trying to drag him by one hand while he is screaming and crying isn't all that great either, because I'm afraid I'm going to break his little wrist, and I look like a horrible person doing it.  So then I am forced to pick him up and carry him out.

HOLY FREAKIN CRAP!  What am I supposed to do?  When he does his at home, he does it a lot, I spank him and tell him no, and he gets to sit in his high chair or go straight to bed.  Usually it happens when I am trying to take him to the living room after getting him up in the morning or from a nap.  If I don't let him grab a piece of trash, or pull out a toy I've put away, he throws himself down and does the same thing.

Man, you have no idea, I Just wanted to kick him at t he store today while he was laying on the floor. So any helpful hints to quell the attitude and tantrums would be much appreciated!

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