Friday, February 15, 2013


Today I had my appointment at Maternal Fetal Medicine.

Good news, the baby turned.  Hopeful news, maybe he'll say that way.  Bad news, that means I get feet in my ribs.

Other news.  Based on Tristan's history, and my low fluid late in pregnancy, the perinatologist thinks it was probably more of a placental defect in fluid regulation rather than a problem with me that caused Tristan to be breech.  She's not too concerned that it will happen again, genetic problems like that have a less than 1% reoccurance, but still wants to take proper precautions just in case, and wants to see me a few more times.  If my fluid gets low with this baby, she'd want to deliver him early to prevent something like torticollis.  He's measuring a few days early, so maybe I'll get to go early anyways.  And with him being vertex, all I gotta do is a few tricks on the trampoline.......hehehe.

All in all, it was a productive appointment.  And I'm glad I went.  You can't be too careful when it comes to your kids.

So we'll keep you updated.

Sucking on his fist

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