Thursday, April 11, 2013

My poor mouth

When I was growing up, my family couldn't afford real milk, we bought that powdered stuff from Costco.  And the only thing that was good for was to dampen cereal.  It wasn't until high school, or late middle school I think, that we were able to start getting real milk.  So that combined with I'm going to assume poor dental hygiene as a kid, landed me with 4 cavities in the 3rd grade.  I don't remember much of getting those fixed, other than my dentist and stake president (who was also a patient), taking me into the back room before a filling, per my mother's request, and giving me a blessing that my teeth wouldn't rot out of my skull.

After that, my teeth were fantabulous.  Until I was 11, I broke one completely in half with a corn nut.  And then braces when I was 12.  And then 18, when I had all four wisdom teeth extracted and looked like a chipmunk for a whole week.  Then, I moved to Utah, married a poor college student, and haven't been to the dentist since.

Well, until yesterday that is.  It was time

See, having babies is such a beautiful and amazing experience (cough cough), you forget all about the delightful things it does to your body.  Namely, your mouth.  Yes yes, I realize it destroys many other parts of your body as well, but it really gets to your teeth.  Thank those pesky hormones and that dear little fetus sucking away all your calcium.  With Tristan, while I had the insurance, I didn't have the time.  I was working.  This time around however, despite all my better efforts, my mouth has become a disaster area.  Not good for someone who had a bad teeth start to begin with..........

Luckily, I found a dentist in town who was both nice and accepted my insurance.  And everyone in the office couldn't believe I am having a baby in less than two months.  That just made my day, nothing a pregnant woman likes more than for people to tell her how tiny she looks.  Anyhoo, that was about the only positive.  That cleaning had to be probably the worst cleaning I have ever experienced.  And it wasn't because the hygienist was bad, she was great.  And the dentist was very good and personable too.  But when I was like, ok, so how many do I have? he didn't sugar coat anything.  Apparently my mouth is the perfect place for cavities to form because of one: weak enamel, two: giant huge gaps between every tooth (thank you braces.......)

What's the best way to drown your anxiety, you sorrows, and celebrate probably needing to have two root canals plus more, all before having another C-section?  That's right, sweet cream Italian gelato.  They're all falling apart anyways, why not pile on the sugar?????

So, yesterday was the worst day ever.  And I can't even get the laughing gas because I'm pregnant, so I just will have to lie there for an hour and a half while he drills away.  And I also can't take ibuprofen, so it's lame wad tylenol for me.  At least they reassured me that after I have this baby, my teeth should firm up again and my gums get better, but for those two poor toofies, their day has come.

Word of the wise, no matter how poor you marry, GO TO THE DENTIST!  It's way better to prevent than to treat.

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