Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Demon Cricket Meets Its Doom

A few of our critters eat crickets, and normally, when we buy them, they are all eaten in a matter of hours.  None usually survive until the next day.

So I was surprised when I went to take a nap and a cricket started chirping.  And not just that sweet melodious kind you hear in the forest at night.  This cricket was possessed or something, it was insane!  Since I generally only like to admire the creepy crawlies from a distance, I didn't try to get into the cage to demolish the thing.  I just went napless, and for those of you who have been 8 months pregnant, you know how not okay that is.

That night when Nick came home, I told him he needed to smash that thing.  After going in the bedroom and hearing it, he agreed.  It took awhile to get it out of the cage because it kept hiding, but eventually  Nick got it out.  I thought he would squash it right there and then.  But no.....he transferred it to another critter guaranteeing to eat it immediately.

Well, the chirping stopped as soon as he dropped it in.  Either it got caught right away, or it was too scared for its life.  Whatever the reason, we had peace and quiet.....for about an hour.

Then the chirping started again.  Louder and more obnoxious then before.  Again, Nick had to try and catch it, which took forever because it was soo elusive.  And when he did catch it, it escaped the forceps and tried to hide under the dresser.

Once Nick had it again, I was like, "Just flush it!"  Which he did very quickly.

We slept in silence that night, and it was wonderful.  Though I'm sure somewhere in the plumbing below our apartment a cricket is chirping........

1 comment:

  1. ummmmm ewwwwwww!

    I guess the cricket just wanted to live. . . Silly cricket.


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