Thursday, March 1, 2012


Being a parent means you get to deal with a lot of noise.  And Tristan makes quite a bit.  Today he has decided he loves to the sound of his own voice.  His favorite thing to do is scream, as loud as he possibly can.  And nothing we do makes him stop.  Except feeding him.  But I can't just feed him all the time, unless I want him to be a professional sumo wrestler in his young years.  So I try plugging him up with his binki.  Of couse he just spits it out.  Crazy kid!

But he has been doing pretty good lately.  He's holding his head up fairly well, but he still doesn't have the strength to  keep his head up when he tries to we're still army crawling.  He stands and plays just fine when he's holding onto his baby table or the couch.  He loves to watch the cars out the window, and try to pull out Suki's fur.  And his favorite things to munch on are ritz crackers and yogurt drops.  Still can't get him to eat foods with texture, like a real mashed up banana, but he loves yogurt.  And apple juice.  Which isn't always good for his diapers.  He had a blow out the other day, and luckily Nick was the one to discover it.  Mahahahaha.

Other than that, things have been fairly quiet around here.  Nick is still working hard at school.  Tristan and I hang out at home, and we've become Hulu junkies.  What can I say?  I'm addicted to Glee and the Biggest Loser.  Oh and Modern Family.  Then we play toys and crawl around the house chasing the cat.  Some days I get ambitious enough to blow dry my hair and put on some makeup.  It's not because I'm going out or anything, but meh, it makes me feel groomed.  Haha, I've turned into one of the slovenly women I always used to pity......although I will say I have become accustomed to being lazy about my appearance.  Sundays are good though, the one day that I get to gussy up.  I need to get me some dresses, the nice nonbreastfeeding kind.  Like Quinn and Rachel wear.  I want to look classy too.  Of course I need my hair to grow back, so I'll look into some lady rogane (is that how you spell it?)

And lastly, Tristan has been corrupted from the beginning.  When he was born I was working the late shift....and so we would stay up late and sleep in late.  I've never been able to break that cycle...that and I love sleeping in.  So last night, I have no idea why, Tristan decided that he wanted to stay up......until 3 AM.  Bahhhh!  We ended up watching 3 Men and a Baby.......and eating yogurt drops.  It was fun....ish.  Haha, naw, I love spending time with Tristan, I just wish we could do it in the daylight!  I'm going to try getting him up earlier and getting him to bed earlier.  Of course I will have to actually convince myself to do it.  So I'll let you know how that goes.

Here are a couple pictures of my little doll of late.

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