Wednesday, May 22, 2013


For the past few weeks, I have been having nonstress tests at the hospital, to monitor my fluid level and baby's heart rate.  It's for several reasons I don't really need to go into detail about, but the tests aren't the most enjoyable.  Pretty much I just lay there for half an hour to an hour while they monitor.  And laying on your back while pregnant is never fun.

Since Nick is in Florida, I got to take Tristan to this week's appointment.  I figured it would be the same half hour deal, and just stuck him in his stroller with his pale of toys.  But, it ended up going longer......a lot longer.  Whenever I had a contraction, baby's heart rate would drop, not super terrible, but enough to be concerned.  So they ended up making me stay longer, had me do an ultrasound monitoring, and then more normal monitoring for about 45 more minutes.  It was two hours total.  And poor Tristan, had to sit in his stroller the whole time.  I felt pretty bad for him, but he did great apparently.  Other kids the nurses have seen have been much worse.  He did almost break the cover off his stroller, but for being a good boy, I took him to McDonald's and got him a happy meal afterwards.

They almost had me go up to labor and delivery for a several hour monitoring session, thank goodness that didn't happen!  But I do have to start having nst's twice a week, and my next one is on Friday.  Nick is still out of town then.....poor Tristan.  I think we'll bring better toys and snacks this time.  Maybe a nurse will take pity on him and walk him around or something.

Hopefully Aramis stays put until my scheduled c-section, or at least until Nick gets home!!!

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