Monday, May 6, 2013

Free Dinner

Who am I to pass up a free dinner??

My parents invited us to come and spend Sunday evening with them and have dinner.  It's nice that they live so close to us and we can visit as often as we do.  When we got there, my dad came outside to meet us, and Tristan got so excited when he saw him.  He ran right to him, going "Papa!" and gave him a huge hug.  He was also super excited when he found Nana upstairs in the kitchen.  And poor Bear, my parents kitty, ran and hid in the bedroom almost the whole night.

Before dinner, we went outside to fly a kite, which didn't go as well as we would have liked because the wind was blowing on and off.  Eventually it crashed over the giant concrete fence outside the apartment complex and kite flying was over.  Oh well, dinner was ready anyways.  My parents also invited my sister Becky and her kids, so we all had dinner together.  Which was amazing!  It was a beef roast with potatoes and carrots, lovely old fashioned great flavors.  And what else is amazing?  My parents have a blender just like mine, so I got to have dinner with everyone else just the same!

After dinner, we all walked over to a park and played on the play ground.  Tristan was having a blast, until right before we left.  Nick let him go down the covered slide alone.  I mean, come on, how dangerous can that be?  There's no way to fall out!  However, as I was waiting at the bottom to catch him, camera on to capture the moment, he popped out backwards and upside down!  How did that happen???  It was a good thing I was able to catch him before he went headfirst into the wood chips.  He went down one more time, this time, on Nick's lap.  That went much better!  He was so tuckered out, he walked slow as a snail the whole way back.

Once we got back to my parents, we just sat and relaxed, had brownies, and watched a movie.  Tristan was so tired on the way home, he hardly made a peep and went right to sleep when we put him down.

Sundays are great, but they are even better when you get to spend them with family!

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