Tuesday, October 1, 2013

All moved in


I disappeared for awhile, sorry about that.  Turns out moving to a new state and having two kids and trying to get your house in order takes up a lot of time.  By the end of the day, I'm so tired and burnt out, I just go straight to bed.

But today, one of the girls in the ward came over to visit.  She has two boys, about the same age as mine, and a husband going to ISU, so it was nice to talk to someone who is kind of in the same situation as me.  We discovered we have a considerable amount in common, and decided to have frequent play dates to maintain some level of sanity!  We're good with it, but I am sure going to have to teach Tristan how to behave because all he did was throw toys at the other kids head.  Yeah, not ok.

Yesterday, after living here for about two months, we were finally able to get everything (pretty much) in its place.  So now our living room actually looks like a living room, our bedroom is all situated, all the boxes are out in the garage, and we also were able to get Tristan into a real toddler bed.  Which mean Aramis is finally in a real crib.   It was time, he is almost the length of the bassinet and would get mad every time he could kick the bottom.  It makes me feel a lot more at home and a lot more peaceful having everything neat and tidy.  For a little while at least, until the boys destroy it all!

Then earlier this week, I went in for an eye exam.  I noticed I was having a hard time seeing signs clearly when I was driving, and well, Nick said I should probably have it checked.  I waited awhile, because I'm a little prideful about my vision, you know, being like the only person in my family that doesn't need glasses, minus my little bro.  And when the nice eye doctor said I had an astigmatism, I was pretty bummed.  Must have happened when I was pregnant.  Dang kids, ruined my teeth, my figure, and my eyes too!  Ah well, so Nicked helped me pick out some stylish frames and now I have joined nerd-dom.

What else?  Oh!  My brown mouse had babies! And they were fabulous as well, super cute and sweet.  My favorite was the little grey one, and she has become my little buddy.  Sadly, out of 10 babies, only 5 are left.  Yes, my mouse babies are food for Nick's snakes.  On the plus side, we save a lot of money breeding our own mice, and I get to hand raise babies for a few weeks.  I'm raising up my grey one to be a breeder eventually as well.  I know, I'm weird.

And we rescued a little kitten from a shelter here.  I've been wanting to get Lilly a friend for awhile, another kitty she can relate to and play with.  I'm sure playing tag with Tristan gets old, haha.  So Nick picked out an adorable orange kitten at the shelter, and we named her Madison.  She and Lilly were a little iffy at first, but they are already sleeping together and bathing each other, so I think it was a good pick.

Aramis is growing like a weed, getting bigger and bigger.  He is four months old already and filling out his six month clothes.  Thank goodness for hand-me-downs!  And with little little kids its not that bad because they don't stay in their clothes long enough to really wreck them anyways, so everything he wears still looks new.  He's turned into quite the chatter box, he loves to coo and "talk" all the time.  He sleeps great, which is a huge blessing, and he's just sweet as pie.  I love to cuddle him because he is just such a sweet lovable baby!  It's also awesome that he is able to lift his head up when he is on his tummy, and he holds his body up pretty well when he's being held.  He's just growing up so fast!

And Tristan.  I can't believe he is already almost two and a half years old.  That is insane!  He's also really big for his age.  He was the same size as the three year old he had a play date with this morning.  He's loving having a big room all to himself, with all of his toys and his new Cars toddler bed.  He also loves to help me vacuum, and sweep, and change diapers.  His vocabulary grows every day.  He's not making great sentences yet, but he's learning lots of new words and phrases, like "look at this" "come here" "good girl" and "George snacks please!".  So we're getting there.  I'm hoping as soon as Aramis is more interactive, the two of them will start playing together.

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