Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Baby Update

Having a baby means having a lot of doctors appointments.  I had another one this morning at maternal fetal medicine, and just as I had suspected for the last few weeks, he has turned over again.  He's breech.  Yeay.

The doctor (who was a man and not the same as last time and very impersonal......) asked if I had any questions.  I said, well, he is breech again, and that's part of the reason I was seeing you guys.  So he was like, well, I don't see a problem, and he'll probably turn over before you deliver, are you going to have a vbac?  And I said, no, that's not the concern, the concern is torticollis because of my petite size.  To which he said, were they able to see that on ultrasound last time?  And I almost said, that's not really something you can see on ultrasound you twit.......but I said no.  Then he said that everything looked fine for now, come back in 6 weeks.  I walked out of there in a huff, mainly because I waited for an hour for him to tell me that.  When the tech was doing the ultrasound, the baby was so high up, she had to probe through my third rib space to visualize his head.  No wonder I haven't been able to breath!  Or eat, his head is where my stomach is supposed to be.  And if he's not done growing and already up that high?  Yeah, it sounds like a problem to me.

Otherwise, he looked just fine.  Weighs about 2 1/2 lbs and 16 inches long.  Crazy that he only has two months to gain five more pounds.  I'm ok with time going by super fast, but the last bit of pregnancy is the pits.  Dragging the dog up and down the stairs and carrying Tristan around is starting to take it's toll on me.  But hey, I guess that's just the name of the game.

Big bwain

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