Monday, January 21, 2013

Yeay for Nursery!

For, I don't know, since Nick got released from the bishopric, we have been begging our ward to organize a nursery.  Attending church with a toddler is next to impossible.  Sitting through Sacrament meeting never happens, we are usually out in the foyer where he can run free.  And class?  Ha!  The problem is, we are going to a married student ward.  What's the problem you ask?  Aren't LDS married college students baby making machines?  Usually.

See, our ward is comprised mostly of this giant complex of one bedroom apartments.  As soon as these couples have a baby, they move.  So, Tristan was one of three nursery-ish aged babies, until his buddy Eli moved to SLC.  Now it's just him and a little one year old named Owen, oh, and about three newborns.

For those of you who know Tristan, you understand how INSANE he is around people.  He just runs around screaming, and there is NO off switch.   Nick and I have not been able to attend any of our meetings pretty much in such a long time, and we were about ready to rip our hair out.  So yesterday, after spending Sacrament meeting in the relief society room (we just discovered we can listen in there), we went to ask the bishop if they had called anyone yet.

And guess what?  THEY HAD!

Tristan spent his first Sunday ever in nursery.  This is how they did it: typically, nursery is part of the primary.  But, they didn't need to organize a whole primary for two little boys.  Instead, they made nursery a relief society auxiliary.  I guess this ward has never ever had one.  So it's nice now that they have it all together for future kidlings who come along into the ward.  I gave a lot of input in the organizing, mostly where to have it and what to do about toys.  I said we needed to get our own cabinet and own toys (I'm not ok with sharing with other wards), so they are going to do that.

And Tristan had a blast.  Owen joined in for half the time, but then got freaked out and had to go back to mommy.  Tristan was a good boy though, sharing and being sweet. And Nick and I got to go to Sunday school and priesthood and relief society.  It was absolutely wonderful!  We went home afterwards all proud and feeling like we accomplished something.

I am soooooo happy we finally have a nursery!  Yeay!

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