Saturday, November 24, 2012


Pretty much turkeys are the dumbest invention ever.

Why can't the whole thing just cook the same?  That would be way too easy.

Yes, I admit it.  I made a terrible thanksgiving turkey.  But in my defense, I wanted to do a pork tenderloin or chuck roast.  It was Nick's idea to do the turkey.  But I figured with Alton Brown's sound advice, I could make it work.  For some reason though, a giant turkey takes much longer than two days to thaw.  Wish I had noticed that before Thanksgiving morning.

What's sad is that I had taken the time the day before to make this amazing brine.  And I am quite confident that had my turkey been thawed and allowed the 4 hours I had planned for it to brine, it would have been spectacular.  As it was, those 4 hours were spent thawing it.  Then it "brined" for an hour, then cooked for 5 (It wasn't thawed completely in the middle).  So while it tasted fine, it was dry as all getout, and the skin had turned to leather.

Fortunately, my dad and little brother joined us, and we had plenty of snacks and side dishes to get us through.  For instance, my dad makes a fabulous jalapeno salmon dip, and Phil brought yummy rolls, and we had lots of chips and chocolate.

So while the turkey burned away, we watched Brave.  It was pretty cute actually, kind of reminded me of a Brother Bear Freaky Friday combo with very over exaggerated accents, but it was still cute.  And my dad brought Tristan a lightup gear toy, which he loves.  His favorite thing to do with it though is chuck the pieces at your face…..not ok.  But at least he has fun, right?  Minus the bad turkey, the rest of the food was great and the company was as well.  It was a good evening spent together.

I'm not one of those people who will go on for the entire month talking about what I am thankful for.  But it is nice to have a season devoted to remembering and sharing blessings and gifts.  I'm especially grateful for my family, my little one with Nick and Tristan, and then my big extended family on both sides.  I have been blessed with great parents and siblings as well as amazing in-laws who have made me a part of their family.  I have an ambitious husband who works hard for us, and a darling little booger who keeps my life interesting.  I have clothes and food, and the internet!  Nick and I like to watch Bizarre Foods, and it's always amazing to me to see these other cultures and to realize, man, I am really privileged.  I have so much.  And while I am not grateful for the perpetual morning sickness and vomiting, and I glad that we are going to have a second child.  I know Tristan will appreciate it and be thankful to have a sibling.  But they better get along, because it's the only one he's getting!  Haha.

So, I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!  Next year, we are going to do beef tongue or something, turkey is just way too difficult!!!!

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