Saturday, October 20, 2012


Yes, we are Gleeks.

We discovered the show midway through season two, and thanks to Netflixs, have finally caught up on every single last episode.  Is that silly?  I often have dreams about being in Glee, or being someone in Glee, which I guess is pretty silly.  But it's just a lot of fun, it makes fun of high school and society as a whole in a way we can relate to and laugh about.  It's also fun to reminisce about our high school experiences, which were absolutely nothing like they portray on the show.

Another show we watch that just ended till next season?  Project Runway.  I know I know!  We are such nerds!  But that one has helped us be more fashion forward, at least in the way we think.  We are no where near rich enough to dress like those people (or crazy eccentric enough I should say as well).

Ah, and then me and Tristan watch lots of Blues Clues and Sid the Science Kid.  And for some reason, he adores them both, loves the songs, loves to dance and sing along.  It is pretty dang cute.  The other day he figured out how to flail his arms while bobbing up and down, and he also likes to slap his knees while bobbing up and down.  The funny thing is, he will dance to just about anything, ring tones, hymns, the dishwasher, anything with rhythm.  I've yet to get a good video since he gets self conscious anytime I pull out a camera.  Oh well, we'll get it sometime.

But yeah, that's us for now.  Pretty dull right?  That's what happens when Nick gets back to school.  He's gone all day and me and Tristan veg.  We go out on walks with Korra, play at the park down the street from out house.  The other day we were adventurous and went to the grocery store a couple blocks away.  That was fun.  Tristan loves the playground though, and his favorite part?  The mulch.  He loves to dig through and find odd shaped wood pieces to put at the bottom of the slide.  A week or so ago, we went to the park in the morning and they were having a Husky dog show.  So we got to watch that for a bit, and it was super cool.  Tristan even got to meet some of the puppies, one of which he fed his binki to.  Silly boy.

Korra is doing fabulous.  She is very nearly potty trained.  Not a single accident in weeks!  She is getting a bit willful though, not always listening to us.  She's sweet though, and loves attention, especially from Tristan.  And he gladly obliges her, and feeds her random junk off the floor through the bars on her cage.  Sometimes, when he is munching on a cracker, he will "pretend" to share with her, so she gets in one or two good licks, and then he pulls it away and finishes it.  I've apprehended him twice so far that I have seen, but I am sure he does it way more often the stinker.

Nick is plugging away at school, still working on applications for PhD school.  We're not sure where we are going to be going, but one thing is for sure, we are leaving Utah sometime next summer (yeay!) Not that we haven't enjoyed our time here, we're just ready for the next chapter in our lives.  Whenever we talk about school being over and a real career starting, it seems to far away and unreal.  Like, will that ever happen?  Will we ever be financially secure and own a home with a yard?  No more landlords???  Oh we are counting the days!  Hopefully in six years that will be a reality.  Hopefully.  We'll see.

Ok, sorry to ramble on, got kind of side tracked once or twice.  But I haven't blogged in a while, been busy.  So, thought I would catch you all up!

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