Monday, July 9, 2012


Something about me and Nick…..

we are animal people.  We just love animals and having pets.  When we had to find Suki a new home, I was depressed for days.  I'm still sad that she is gone, because I've lost my snuggle buddy.  We would joke about getting a dog, but we would run into the same problems with pet rent and all that.  So, we would just look on ksl every couple days just to admire the puppies and talk about what kind we wanted one day.

Then one day, Nick asked if I would like a little furry to tide me over until we could get a big animal again.  Of course I said yes!  We decided to get a teddybear hamster.  Cute as he was, we actually had to take him back a few days later because he had a sore on his side that wasn't healing well.  At the pet store, because of his long fur, he got caught in the wheel and the other hamsters kept running with him stuck.  So it ripped out his fur and took some skin.  I thought he would be okay if we brought him home, but he just seemed to be getting worse, so, sadly, we took him back.

Wandering around Petsmart on Saturday just for fun, we saw them restocking all of their small mammals.  They had super cute hamsters as well, but what we were drawn to were the rats.  I know, I know, when you think of rats, you think of dirty smelly sewer or ring around the rosy.  But, these little girls were so adorable, sleek and sweet.  The ones in the cage were grey and white, and while were were deciding if we wanted one of them, the clerk stocked two more, a tan one and a dark brown one.  The little tan girl was soooo beautiful, we decided she was the one!  Then, after going to four more pet stores hoping to find another similar one, we came back to the same petsmart and got the pretty little grey and white one.

They had been super sweet so far.  Still very timid and shy with us, but they will eventually be trainable like little dogs.  Apparently, they can learn their names and simple commands and tricks, they use a litter box, and all sorts of other things!  So I'm exciting for them to get trained and cuddly.  It's like Remi says is Ratatouille, rats are super dang smart!

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