I'm going to apologize in advance for the explicit nature of this post…
I think it takes a certain kind of person to appreciate what I have to say about this topic. Someone who like me, has held their precious baby in their arms, realized the beauty of the child's innocence, and resolved to preserve it as long as possible. I also believe only a mother, who has held this helpless baby, gotten up many nights to pacify them, put so much effort into their wellbeing, and watched them grow can truly understand.
When I was in school, we didn't call it "sex ed", we called it "human reproduction, growth and development". Already, you can see a huge difference. The focus of discussion is completely different. In thinking about the way our society is going, towards sexual and gender indifference, I am fearful of what my two boys will learn in their secular and social education. Particularly when it comes to topics like "sex ed".
Political correctness says we should teach all forms of sexuality in the classroom. To do otherwise is discrimination. How do I feel about that? I feel sick to my stomach. And I will explain why before you start thinking I am a gay hater.
First of all, when I was in school, we started learning about reproduction and sexual maturity in the 5th grade. My mom thought I was too young, and she was right. Instead, she opted me out of the class and I was the only kid to spend that hour of the day reading in the library. After being thoroughly embarrassed by this, she agreed to let me attend the class in the 6th grade. Here is what I learned: puberty the basics, how reproduction works (intercourse, fertilization, fetal growth and birth), and why abstinence is the best way to protect against unwanted pregnancies and STDs. Simple, to the point, clear, conscice. We leaned about sex in a biological way, in a "perpetuate the species" way, not a "this is how you gratify yourself" way.
So, why do I think teaching human sexuality is not a good idea before college? I could probably equate it to why I don't think religion should be taught in schools. Everyone has their own idea about what is right. And sexuality is such a sensitive subject for many people, particularly in today's society. Teaching "sex ed" rather than "growth and development" leaves the subject up to varied interpretation.
Example. Politically correct would mean that we teach about heterosexual intercourse, and homosexual intercourse. While there is essentially one way to have intercourse and produce a baby, homosexual intercourse has a number of varieties, all of which do not end in procreation. Why don't we just ad an erotic positions book to our children's list of usable text in the classroom? After all, that is what they would be discussing, is it not? Homosexual sex serves no biological purpose other than physical/emotional pleasure, and so at that point it becomes a matter of preference. Preference cannot and should not be taught in that way. Then, it no longer is a subject of biological learning, but education with the use of pornographic materials. Where we essentially encourage our kids to go out and try it.
Now, do not misunderstand me. I in no way hate homosexuals. I simply feel that the topic of sexuality should be taught in the home, and in schools, it should remain a subject of human growth and development: this is puberty, this is procreative intercourse (this goes here and does that, not how many positions can you get in….), this is gestation and birth, these are STDs. I am not comfortable in any way having my two sons watch an instructive video or read graphic text about the mechanics of homosexual sex. If I had daughters, I wouldn't be comfortable with them being subjected to that either.
Call me old fashioned, but the way our society is exploiting sex, encouraging young people to experiment with homosexuality, and removing all regard for gender differences disturbs me. I am saddened that this is the world, this is the pathetic world my poor sons have to endure. How have we come to this? How have we taken something so precious and beautiful and turned it into a dirty mockery? We use sex to sell magazines, clothes, albums, for Pete's sake, even candy! What does that say about us? That we have to resort to carnal desires to get the job done? I'd say it ranks us well below the animals we esteem ourselves so much better than. That's all our society is, a bunch of sex crazed animals.
And I have no problem admitting that I want to shield my boys from it as long as possible. Every time I hold them close, and look into their little innocent faces, and realize what an ugly world they are soon to be exposed to, I try and hold them a little closer, a little longer.
Just because it exists, just because it is out there, doesn't mean we need to condone it, partake in it, or endorse it. Doing so does not make us anything special. No, in fact, it degrades our character more than we realize.