Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Earfail

Let me preface this by saying: always consult with your medical professional (ie physician) before attempting any treatment, at home or otherwise.

Now, to business.  The Earwell.  I came across a plastic surgeons blog when I was looking for treatment options when Aramis was just 3 weeks old.  I called a plastic surgeon up in Salt Lake the very next day and was told, sorry, his next available wasn't for 3 weeks.  Concerned, I explained that the treatment had to be started within the first month of life.  "Are you breastfeeding?" the receptionist asked me.  "Yes."  "Then you'll be ok, you have a bigger window if you breastfeed."  Famous last words.  Probably should have made sure with the doc before telling me that bozo.

Aramis was 6 1/2 weeks old when we finally consulted with the plastic surgeon, who told us we were at the end of the window he would say yes in.  He said he was upset with his receptionist, and maybe that's part of the reason he agreed to do it for a much lesser cost.  However, he still left the choice up to us, making sure we understood there were no guarantees, especially this late.  Earwell seemed better than surgery, so we decided to go ahead and give it a try.

Another thing not in our favor?  We were moving.  We only had three weeks left in Utah, which mean, I would be finishing the therapy myself, with non one's help.  Yes, I would be able to talk to the doc over the phone, but without him there to see what I was talking about, it was very difficult.

After a week in Iowa, I realized the treatment wasn't working anymore.  It was applying too much pressure to Aramis' ear, causing it to harden and turn red.  I called the doc about it, but he said not to worry.  I modified the device to allow for some release of pressure, but so that the hook stayed in place.  Eventually, the hook just wouldn't stay, Aramis's ear had become too hard and resistant.  So we tried the silver sauter rod, his ear pushed that out of place as well.

Finally, we decided to stop torturing our baby, and after 7 weeks of therapy, we were done.

Now, I still recommend the Earwell for patients who get to their Plastic Surgeons (NOT ENTs!!!!) in time.  Meaning, before the baby is 4 weeks old.  But after working with the device personally, I can see what my plastic surgeon meant when he said that it had problems and he always had to modify it.

One: It does begin to apply too much pressure on the ear towards the end of  treatment.  Especially if your kid's ears stick out like mine.

Two:  It doesn't apply enough pressure in the appropriate place.  The first insert to the device we used was not a hook, it was like a rod that shaped the ear and applied pressure on the bent part of the cartilage.  Had we used that piece instead of the hook for the remainder of the therapy, I am confident it would have worked to our satisfaction.

Three:  Make sure you can actually go to your plastic surgeon.  The pictures I sent mine, well, he said everything looked great, when I could tell for myself that they did not look great.  You'll see what I mean in the pictures.  The last picture I sent, the plastic surgeon said he was pleased with the results.  I wonder if that was just to make me feel like it wasn't a waste.

Aramis had a few things working against him.  He had very sticky outty ears.  His cartilage was bent down too far for just a hook.  We started therapy too late.  The fact that there was so much humidity that he kept sweating the outer part of the device off probably didn't help either.  I had to reapply it at least once a week.

Now, before everyone feels badly for him, the therapy worked partially, of course, not as much as we would have liked, and he may still need surgery in the future, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.  Here are some pictures for you to see.  I think it's pretty obvious when we started using the hook instead of the rod, you can see an immediate difference in the shape of the ear.

Right ear,
Kind of what we were hoping for

Left ear Before treatment

The plastic rod piece,
probably should have used 
it the whole time

After week 1

After week 3,
darnit, I would have even settled for this!

You can see the one hook piece,
and this is how I modified the device
to allow for his ear to have enough room.
The older the baby, the less room
the device allows for

After week 5

End result
slight change.

I remember being so excited when we pulled the top of the device off after one week of treatment, and I said, wow look at the change already!  The plastic surgeon said, don't be fooled, it can always go back……..well, now I know.  Am I sorry we did it?  Yeah, a little, part of me feels it was a waste.  But, on the other hand, I learned a lot, we at least tried, no one can fault us for that.  And it did help a little, I was just hoping for something more.  Has it worked on kids who started therapy at 6 weeks?  Yes, it has.  Has it not worked on kids who started therapy at 2 weeks.  Just the same.  You never know if it is going to work or not, and sometimes, there's just not enough estrogen in the baby's system to keep their cartilage soft enough.  Maybe that was the case here, and maybe it also was because we didn't use the plastic rod long enough to start.  Whatever the case, it was a learning process for us all.  When you look at him straight on though, it's not as bad as it was before.  You can't really tell unless you pay close attention.  Hopefully his hair grows back soon to help out :s  And I will say this, it was much better than being in the top 5 % worst cases of torticollis, 18 months of physical therapy and two rounds of botox.  Count your blessings baby boy!

Monday, August 26, 2013

0-3 Aramis

Uh, wow, someone chunked up in three months!

And just for fun, here is Tristan at 3 months

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Birthday

Well, I am 26.  Yeay.  It's funny, somehow, birthdays just don't seem to matter past 23.  Especially when you have kids and they are all your think about.  Or when you've just moved across country and you know absolutely no one and only have one car that your husband takes to school everyday.  Let's just say my birthday consisted of laundry, poopy diapers and dishes.

I remember when I was a kid, how exciting birthdays were.  Well, usually.  I seemed to have a tradition of hurting myself on my birthday.  One year I fell off the stage at church and got a super huge goose egg on my forehead.  Another year I slipped backwards on a slip and slide and completely got the wind knocked out of me.  Another year I think I sliced my thumb open with a steak knife.  So I'll consider it a good think nothing like that happened this year!!!

I got to chat with my mom and dad, as well as Nick's dad and Diane and his mom. Nick brought me home flowers, one for him, one for Tristan and one for Aramis.  They were very pretty and smelled lovely, I like the smell of real roses.  I also got nice birthday cards from my parents and Nick's grandparents.  Its so nice that his family thinks of me.  And just before bed, my sister Faith called me, and she and her whole family sang Happy Birthday to me.  Haha, it was very sweet.  And, I know, this is lame, I made myself a cake.  It was spice cake with cream cheese filling and chocolate cinnamon frosting.  Tristan kept trying to poke it and snitch frosting, going "cake! cake!" All day.

So here's to another year older!  Funny, I still feel 18.








Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A week with Grammy and Papap

For a belated birthday gift, Nick's dad and step-mom Diane got Tristan a baseball bat and ball and some  clothes.  He immediately went outside to play!  And was very good at hitting the ball off the porch bench.  Dad and Diane stayed with us our first week in Iowa to help us get unpacked and settled, and I've got to say, it was great to have an extra pair of hands for wrangling the kiddos!

Our House

Well, it's a rental, but hey, it might as well be ours!  It's huge, single family and has a yard.  Best of all, no neighbors above, beside or below!  Best day ever!  Our room and the office upstairs are still pretty much a disaster, but he rest of it looks nice!

Back yard and garage

Backyard and house

Front of the house

Living room


Kitchen and back door

Mommy's *office* and laundry area


Living room and front door

Stairs to Tristan's room

Tristan's room (big mess)! and door to office

Aramis' Blessing and Goodbye to Nana and Papa

Aramis was blessed the Sunday after we arrived in Iowa by his two grandfathers in the upstairs of our house, my dad doing the actual blessing.  We then were able to spend a little bit of time taking pictures and  enjoying each other's company before my parents had to head back to Utah.  I'm so glad they were there, and that they helped us so much with the move.  I will always be grateful for their charity,  generosity, support and sacrifices to help make our lives better.  I hope one day I can be for my children what they were and continue to be for me.  I love you mom and dad!

I'll try and get a better picture when he is sleeping sometime, haha, he was not too happy!